Product Series: PL100 PLC Trainer
Producer: Beda Precision
Details: D
IE110 Electronics simulation applications card sets plugged to the trainer base and it connect to the PLC via or 60 pin edge connector no cables needed to pervade the application with current limit power supply. Typical PCB board size is 15cmX20cm, while the base cans accommodate 40cmX20cm board.
IE111 Three level elevator IE112 Washing Machine
IE113 Carwash Simulation IE114 Process control
IE115 Cars Parking IE116 Production Line Control
IE117 Home Garage control IE118 Liquid Filling Control
IE119 Robotic Arm Control, Real components IE120 Liquid Level Control
IE121 Motor Control Two Locations, Real components IE122 Home Security Control
IE113 Four Ways Traffic Light
IE124 Three Fans Tunnel Ventilation System, Real components
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